Schunk is one of the most popular employers in Germany
Schunk has been recognized as a Top Company by Kununu for the second time in a row. The reason for this is the positive feedback from our employees on the well-known employer review platform. According to Kununu, only around 5 percent of all employer profiles qualify for the Top Company seal, making Schunk one of the most popular employers in Germany. That makes us very happy!
"I like the collegiality and the way we deal with each other. In direct comparison to stories from friends and relatives who also work in corporations, I have the impression that although we work in a large, international corporation here, the family atmosphere has not been thrown overboard."
Florian Reichert
Best training companies chosen for the first time - Schunk is one of them
But not only our "experienced" employees are satisfied with Schunk - our junior staff also give the company very good marks on Kununu: According to the Kununu ranking, Schunk is the best training company in the machine design sector.
The result is based on evaluations by our trainees on factors such as:
Areas of responsibility
Career opportunities
Working hours
Apprenticeship pay
The resulting training score including the recommendation rate were decisive for our top ranking as a training company. And we are particularly proud of this.
Schunk offers 18 apprenticeships and 14 dual study programs
Training has been a high priority at Schunk since the company's early days. The first "apprentice" was taken on in 1913, just a few days after the company was founded. Today, around 100 young people start their careers with us every year - whether with a technical or commercial apprenticeship or a dual study program.
There are now many employer seals of approval. The special thing about the Kununu awards: They are not awarded by a jury, but are based exclusively on the independent ratings on the platform. In addition to the kununu score, the number and topicality of the ratings are also taken into account when awarding the seal in order to ensure a balanced employer presence.
What makes Schunk stand out for our employees
The ratings on Kununu show: There is still room for improvement at Schunk too. Feedback from our employees is therefore an important indicator of where we can still improve.
You can read here which aspects our employees rate as particularly positive:
"Schunk has a foundation character and is financially independent. This constellation & Ludwig Schunk's will make the company special. The employees and the sustainable existence of the company are always at the forefront!"
Jan Schmidt
"The possibility of mobile working increases the flexibility of employees. Many great benefits such as free courses at the adult education center or a discounted gym membership also promote personal development and health."
Franziska Rohn
"As Schunk is run by a foundation, the profits generated can be used for a good cause and, if necessary, a profit share. The employees benefit from this: Directly through the Schunk bonus. Indirectly through secure jobs: Because production remains state of the art, because investments are made in new innovative products and new markets and because Schunk is able to survive difficult economic phases thanks to stable finances."
Hans-Joachim Drees
"Creating meaning & setting goals together" is the motto. We have a management team with a vision that they also exemplify in their day-to-day work. We work out our goals together and do not have them dictated to us from above. That motivates us all the more."
Stefanie Seidl
Marcel Jeske
Senior Recruiter
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